Cold Showers

 A cold shower may not be on your list of favourite things but health and fitness experts say you need more cold showers and here are reasons why you should start having them:
Refines skin 
 Showering with only hot water opens up your pores for cleaning but you must close these pores with cold water to prevent them from getting clogged with oil and dirt which causes skin breakouts. 
Hot water also strips the skin of its natural oils, causing skin to look dry, shrivelled with an aftermath of itchy, cracked skin and worse conditions like eczema. Also, with dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles are bound to appear. 
A cold shower will keep pores closed and natural skin oils locked in addition to improving the tone of both skin and muscles to give a youthful and healthy glow.

Healthier hair
Just like skin, hot water dries out hair, after a good hair wash, you should rinse off your conditioner with cold water to close your cuticles which will make your hair stronger, shinier and prevent dirt from easily accumulating on your scalp. It is also good to end your hair drying session with a blast of cool hair from your dryer.

Other benefits include: 
  • Improved immunity and circulation.
  • Relieving depression.
  • Easing stress.
  • Stimulates weight loss.
  • Increased libido and energy levels in men.
